The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) requires businesses that collect biometric data (fingerprints, facial scans, etc.) to provide certain disclosures to the people from whom they collect the data, to obtain their consent to collect the data, and to publish a policy explaining what
Partner Paula Morency was quoted on her superior client service approach and featured as one of only eight two-year BTI Client Service All-Star MVPs recognized by corporate counsel for above-and-beyond client support.
Partner Sarah Fitts was quoted on considerations that private equity fund owners may make when deciding to refinance in power projects.
Partner Janet Johnson was quoted on the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent agreement to hear a case on a decades-old procedural takings issue. The matter surrounds a property owner’s struggle to file a claim in state or federal court alleging that the government has unconstitutionally taken value from her
Complex Litigation Partner Dana Finberg recently spoke with Business Insurance on the subject of a US House of Representatives bill that aims to combat businesses’ vulnerabilities to “drive-by” Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuits.
On February 8, 2018, Complex Litigation Practice Group Leader Jacques Smith was quoted in an article by Compliance Week titled, “New DOJ Policies Favor Corporate Defendants."
Investor demands for climate change-related reports and risk disclosures in public filings are sometimes dismissed as socially or politically driven, but for many companies, the impact of climate change may pose genuine business risks that, like any other material risk, must be disclosed to investor
On February 10, New York Partner Bernice Leber was quoted in an article by Bloomberg Law. The article discusses the lack of women as lead counsel in the courtroom and what steps can be taken to provide women lawyers with more opportunities to participate in leadership roles.
Citizen science groups are eager to fill in what they see as gaps in EPA regulation and enforcement.
This past November, the US Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that may dramatically affect how patents covering biologic drugs are litigated: Oil States Energy Services, LLC v Greene’s Energy Group, LLC.
International Trade Practice Group Leader Kay Georgi and Counsel Regan Alberda discussed economic sanctions under President Donald Trump in an article for The Current: The Journal of the PLI Press.
Lucy Bickford and Melody Cross were featured discussing the impact of Schiff’s New Moms Group, which they launched in 2014 to provide practical advice and general support for new and expecting mothers.
Arent Fox Health Care partner and co-practice group leader Stephanie Trunk was nominated by corporate counsel to the 2018 Client Choice™ award list for the District of Columbia. Client Choice™ recognizes law firms and partners that stand apart for the excellent client service they provide.
Partner Daniel Deeb was quoted on the U.S. Supreme Court decision that district courts have the jurisdiction over challenges to rules defining “waters of the United States.”
Partner Daniel Deeb was quoted on the unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision holding that challenges to the 2015 Clean Water Rule must be filed in federal district courts and not in federal appellate courts.
Product liability defendants often seek to remove cases to federal court. That’s because federal jurisdiction provides federal pleading standards, robust expert discovery, efficiency through uniform procedural and evidentiary rules, and, often, more diverse jury pools.
In 2017, the sports industry faced disruption and worked to adapt to its new realities, which spanned sponsorships, gambling, the Olympics, social movements, amateurism, financing, and more.
For patent practitioners, this year packed in a lot of activity.
Partner Jane Montgomery was quoted on the result of the International Financial Stability Board’s Task Force’s December 2017 announcement that nearly 240 companies committed to include climate risk data in their financial disclosure reports.
Bloomberg BNA’s Health Law Reporter provided an in-depth overview of the issues that likely will test health care lawyers in 2018 based on commentary from Bloomberg Law’s Health Care Advisory Board of which health care partner Lowell Brown is a member.
New York Partner Hunter Carter was quoted in an article published by Law360 regarding international arbitration trends to watch in 2018. Mr. Carter specifically spoke with Law360 about an increased focus on diversity in the field of international arbitration.
Partner and Real Estate Practice Group Leader Christine McGuinness was quoted on how the recently passed tax reform bill could benefit smaller real estate firms.
Arent Fox Complex Litigation associate Michael Dearington recently published an article called “Ocasio v. United States: The Supreme Court’s Sudden Expansion of Conspiracy Liability (And Why Bribe-Taking Foreign Officials Should Take Note)” in the Washington & Lee Law Review Online.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) filed a lawsuit against the state of California in response to the state’s new drug price law.