Debra Albin-Riley Comments on Judge Who Rendered Complete Defense Verdict in Mission Community Hospital Case

Arent Fox Complex Commercial Litigation Partner Debra Albin-Riley was quoted in a Daily Journal article profiling Superior Court Judge Donna F. Goldstein, who entered a complete defense verdict in a case involving client Mission Community Hospital.

The Daily Journal reported that, “despite her packed calendar, Goldstein doesn’t hesitate to take time to sort out issues, even if it means dividing a case into parts. This occurred in a case involving Darbun Enterprises Inc. and Mission Community Hospitals of San Fernando Valley. Goldstein held a bifurcated trial in which she ordered a private performance first, then held a jury trial on damages.”

Ms. Albin-Riley, who represented defendant Mission Community Hospital before the Los Angeles County (Burbank) judge, said: “Our matter was a pretty sophisticated civil matter. There were complicated issues involving earthquake retrofitting and hospital licensing, and her experience as a civil litigator really came through.”


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