Recent Developments Affecting Estate Planning and Estate Planning for Private Investment Fund Managers

NYSSCPA 2024 Annual Estate Planning Conference
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Conference Chair, Kevin Matz, will be speaking at two sessions of the NYSSCPA’s Estate Planning Conference on May 23, 2024.

In the can’t miss session “Recent Developments Affecting Estate Planning,” Kevin and his co-panelists will address many of the most significant recent developments affecting estate planning. There will be special emphasis on (i) the increases in the lifetime exclusion and its effect on planning in light of 12-31-25 sunset of the temporarily doubled estate, gift and GST tax exemptions; (ii) recent IRS guidance concerning irrevocable grantor trusts and the implications of beneficiary consent to trustee actions, (iii) The Corporate Transparency Act, and (iv) recent New York State developments that affect estate planning.

In “Estate Planning for Private Investment Fund Managers,” Kevin and his co-speakers will take a deep dive into the tax rules that affect estate planning for private investment fund managers, including the income tax rules that apply to “carried interests,” and navigating the special gift tax considerations that can arise including under Chapter 14 of the Internal Revenue Code and with respect to waivers of management fees and transfers of interests subject to forfeiture.


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