Elder Law Short Course 2024

Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education
  • Date & Time
  • Location Chicago, IL
  • Event Type
  • Add to Calendar Disabled
Counsel Fred Weber will present at the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education’s (IICLE) Elder Law Short Course in Chicago, IL, on October 28, 2024.

In his presentation, titled “Finding the True Meaning of ‘Digital Assets’ in Estates and Trusts,” Fred and his co-presenter will review the various definitions of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies, NFTs, online accounts, and intellectual property, and their possible implications in estate planning and administration. Moreover, the session will provide attendees with insights into the methods for identifying, locating, collecting, and securing digital assets and digital asset information. It will also explore the challenges of valuing digital assets for federal estate and gift tax purposes and how to plan for estates and trusts that hold digital assets.

The Elder Law Short Course is a comprehensive program designed for Illinois attorneys specializing in elder law. It provides a focused exploration of the most current and critical issues affecting older adults and their families, covering topics such as estate planning, Medicaid, long-term care planning, and updates on recent legal developments.


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