2024 CGP Conference

National Association of Charitable Gift Planners
  • Date & Time
  • Location Orlando, FL
  • Event Type
  • Add to Calendar Disabled
Fred Weber will present at the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners Annual Conference in Orlando, FL, on October 30, 2024.

In his presentation titled “Post-Death Estate Litigation: Navigating Legal and Other Challenges for Charities,” Fred and his co-presenter will focus on the post-death administration of estates and trusts, with an emphasis on how estate and trust litigation can affect charitable beneficiaries. Attendees will learn about various types of legal challenges, such as will and trust contests, disputes over the identification of heirs and beneficiaries, objections to expenses and fees, and allegations of potential breaches of fiduciary duties. They will also review the fiduciary duties most relevant to charitable beneficiaries and the actions charities can take to hold fiduciaries accountable.

The presentation will address practical considerations for charities, including how to make informed decisions about pursuing litigation and how to respond to litigation initiated by other parties to a donor’s estate or trust. It will also provide tips for minimizing the financial and reputational costs to charities if a dispute over a donor’s estate or trust cannot be avoided.


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