Hunter Carter Honored by Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice

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    NYC Bar Association, 44 West 44 Street, New York, NY 10036 

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Arent Fox Partner Hunter Carter is receiving special recognition for his dedicated efforts to secure marriage equality in Latin America.

Since 2012, Arent Fox and Complex Litigation Partner Hunter Carter, in collaboration with famed Chilean human rights lawyer Ciro Colombara, has served as co-counsel for Chilean LGBT advocacy group Movimiento para la Liberación Homosexual in denouncing the Chilean government for denying three same-sex couples civil marriages. MOVILH filed a complaint at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, part of the Organization of American States in Washington, DC.

Along the way, Hunter and Ciro formed AMAmericas, the Alliance for Marriage in the Americas. AMAmericas is an informal group of pro bono lawyers who have partnered with local leaders to support cases against Mexico in the Inter-American Commission, against Panama in its Supreme Court, and against Colombia – where Hunter and his husband were the first foreign-married same-sex couple to register a civil marriage under Colombian law.


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