Afghan Sponsorship Requirements

Task Force Melmastya, South Asian Bar Association, Arab American Bar Association of Illinois, Asian American Bar Association of Greater Chicago, Khanbabi Immigration Law, The Rapid Response Project, Chicago Bar Association
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South Asian Bar Association, Arab American Bar Association of Illinois, Asian American Bar Association of Greater Chicago, Khanbabi Immigration Law, The Rapid Response Project

Schiff partner and Army Green Beret Mir Ali will host a panel of expert immigration attorneys, who will explain what it means to be an official sponsor for an Afghan seeking to come to the United States on humanitarian parole or via visa. During the webinar, the experts will answer questions potential sponsors have regarding demonstration of resources needed to help support an applicant and other responsibilities relating to sponsorship.

With support from Schiff Hardin and in partnership with Pars Equality Center, Mir has organized Task Force Melmastya to provide assistance to Afghan evacuees urgently trying to escape to the United States.

Additional information on the webinar can be found here. Additional information on Task Force Melmastya can be found here.

If you would like to view the recording from this webinar please click here. The PowerPoint with links referenced during the webinar can be viewed here.


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