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Nicole is a Construction Associate in the New York Office.
Michael focuses his practice on consumer finance and commercial litigation matters.
Katie is a Partner in ArentFox Schiff’s Complex Litigation group. Katie represents clients in litigation and regulatory matters primarily in the health care, agriculture, and fashion and retail industries.
Stefanie’s practice involves all aspects of commercial real estate.
Sarah is a trusted advisor to her clients in all aspects of estate planning, asset protection, and business succession planning.
Christina helps clients navigate real estate transactions, focusing on the acquisition, development, financing, sale, and leasing of commercial real estate.
Jennifer counsels private and public companies and venture capital and private equity investors on mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions and securities, corporate governance, and business law matters.
Luna is a Partner in the Intellectual Property department.
Michelle provides business-driven solutions to a global roster of IP, tech, and content leaders and innovators.
Bradford is a partner in the Intellectual Property group.
Oscar represents clients in a wide variety of complex litigation matters, including intellectual property and general business litigation.
Lucas supports clients on International Trade matters.
Heather represents a diverse range of clients in complex commercial litigation, as well as white collar defense and investigations.
David is a partner in the firm’s Los Angeles office.
Mario focuses his practice on international trade, including trade remedy proceedings, forced labor supply chain audits and counseling, and customs matters.
Patrick advises on intellectual property matters with an emphasis on patent prosecution and patent litigation.
Catherine advises clients on pre-litigation strategy and settlement negotiations at the federal and state level.
Ali is an attorney in the firm’s Intellectual Property practice.
Sisi works on a broad range of US regulatory issues involving international trade and investment, exports of controlled goods and services, and transactions involving sanctioned countries, persons, and entities.
Jessica represents clients in all aspects of commercial and business litigation.
Christopher is an Intellectual Property Partner in the Boston office.
Meera is an associate at ArentFox Schiff, where she has experience in a variety of practice areas.
Matthew is an associate in the Chicago office and a member of the Corporate & Securities Practice.
Gwendolyn has experience in a wide range of practice areas.
XYZ Corporation v. The Partnerships and Unincorporated Associations Identified on Schedule “A”; Case No. 1:22-cv-04189