What the 2014 Election Means for Your Industry

Arent Fox 2014 Election Analysis

The 2014 midterm Congressional elections have resulted in a significant wave of victories for the Republican Party that confers new majority status in the US Senate and expands the majority in the US House of Representatives. A new two-year era of divided government will begin on January 3, 2015 but there are reasons to believe that the election results could lead to new opportunities for Congressional action in the coming months on pressing issues.

Arent Fox’s Government Relations practice of attorneys, former elected officials, and political insiders have published a forecast for the legislative agenda in 2015 that offers insight into how it could impact key industries and sectors.

Our post-election analysis highlights expected priorities for the new Congress and delves into the expected ramifications on the Federal Budget, Health Care, Trade, Tax, Energy, Tech and Telecom, Higher Education, and Anti-Poverty initiatives.

Click here to download our 2014 Election Analysis.


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