Who’s On First? GM Sets 2019 Driverless Debut Date

The automaker is up to bat against federal approval. General Motors recently submitted a federal safety proposal to put the first market-ready, self-driving car on public roads in 2019.

The car, which would have no steering wheel or gas pedal, must be approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Current regulations assume the need for a human driver, and convincing NHTSA that GM’s Cruise AV matches can match the safety levels of a human-driven car will be no small feat. If GM wins federal approval, it would also need to pioneer approvals in most states. Currently, the car could only be deployed in Michigan, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, and Nevada. Looks like there’s a long way to go before GM hits a home run.

To read the story from The Detroit News, click here.


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