American Conference Institute 19th National Forum on Prepaid Card Compliance

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    Omni Shoreham Hotel

    Washington, DC
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Arent Fox Partner Jenny Lee will be a speaking at the American Conference Institute’s 19th National Forum on Prepaid Card Compliance on January 30th, 2019 in Washington, DC. She will be featured on the panel, “Consumer Financial Data Aggregation in the Prepaid Space: Identifying Key Concerns and the Potential for Regulatory Intervention.”

The panel will examine the various ways that consumer financial data aggregators obtain, maintain, use, and disclose consumers’ financial data in the prepaid space and will explore how more conventional banks are moving to open API environments. This is a crucial panel for those wishing to gain insights on the latest policy debates, identify data risk areas, and understand the best practices and interests underpinning the prepaid card space. Panelists will also examine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s outlined principles for consumer-authorized financial data sharing and aggregation as well as the regulatory approaches to data access in the EU and UK.

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