Environmental Law Advisor

246 total results. Page 9 of 10.

Alex Garel-Frantzen, J. Michael Showalter
A key building block of US government is how administrative agencies interpret their own regulations.
J. Michael Showalter
Everyone knows that environmental cleanups are complicated.
Jane E. Montgomery
The EPA announced its final rule for power plant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, culminating often rancorous discussion and litigation over the EPA’s authority to regulate GHG emissions from existing coal-fired electricity generating sources.
Jane E. Montgomery
As investors become more interested in incorporating sustainability into investment portfolios, many project proponents find that incorporating ESG into infrastructure planning provides a “leg up” in securing investors and financing.
David M. Loring
The DC Circuit handed down an opinion in Sierra Club v. EPA last month that tossed the Sierra Club’s challenge of a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule from the Obama Administration.
Jane E. Montgomery
Chicago has a long list of things to be proud of, but the current state of the city’s combined sewer system infrastructure is not at the top of that list.
Alex Garel-Frantzen, Amy Antoniolli
Integrating green remediation and sustainable practices can accelerate site cleanups, reduce costs, lower emissions of greenhouse gases, and contribute to meeting state and local renewable energy standards.
Jane E. Montgomery
Earlier this month, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance issued a no-action letter saying that ExxonMobil could exclude a shareholder proposal that called for the disclosure of specific greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets – specifically, targets that correspond with goals outlined in the Par
Amy Antoniolli, Owen E. MacBride
With city after city setting 100 percent clean energy goals and states following in lockstep, opportunities are growing for renewable energy companies to develop utility-scale projects.
Robert A.H. Middleton, J. Michael Showalter
In separate decisions, a federal district court in Alaska recently struck down two Trump Administration efforts to roll back President Obama’s environmental initiatives.
J. Michael Showalter
Strategic in-house counsel and court-watchers are keeping a close eye on developments related to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent commitment to further address deference to administrative interpretation of regulations, a fundamental legal principle central to the regulated community.
J. Michael Showalter
Municipalities and other local governments do not have free rein when it comes to regulating the environment, and the Second Circuit’s recent decision in Vermont Railway, Inc. v. Town of Shelburne is a clear reminder of that fact.
Alex Garel-Frantzen, Amy Antoniolli
Developing renewable energy on contaminated lands has proven to be both effective and cost-effective for companies pursuing a new solar or wind energy project.
The future of the Obama Presidential Center remains uncertain after last week’s court ruling allowed a citizen suit against it to proceed. But businesses facing citizen suits should take comfort in courts’ continued willingness to consider—and occasionally grant—motions to dismiss citizen suits for
Bina Joshi
The latest development in climate change litigation came out of last week’s Eastern District of Pennsylvania dismissal – spurring more speculation that these issues will eventually be appealed to and decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
J. Michael Showalter
While President Trump’s border security policy has dominated recent news headlines, his deregulation policy has quietly jockeyed into a better position to survive court scrutiny.
Jane E. Montgomery
A case filed in 2015 by 21 minors, Juliana v. United States, seeks to hold the U.S. government liable for climate change.
Amy Antoniolli
Permitting issues—including federal wildlife permits—are common hurdles for the renewable energy sector.
J. Michael Showalter
Public discussion of environmental law predictably focuses on the physical environment, including newspaper articles replete with references to climate change, lead in drinking water, recycling, or stories about individual species of endangered animals such as dusky gopher frogs.
J. Michael Showalter
The U.S. Supreme Court signaled that it remains concerned with the issue of administrative deference following its grant of certiorari last week to hear Kisor v. O’Rourke specific to the issue of whether the Court should overrule Auer v. Robbins and Bowles v. Seminole Rock & Sand Co.
J. Michael Showalter
The Trump Administration revealed the new and long-awaited “waters of the United States” or “WOTUS” rule last week, which is designed to clear confusion on one of the most hotly debated topics in environmental law today – the scope of federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
Alex Garel-Frantzen, Amy Antoniolli
Going paperless is generally seen as a cost-savings initiative.
Jane E. Montgomery
As climate change is integrated more and more into the planning of corporate opportunities and risks, the Fourth National Climate Assessment released last week may be a valuable resource to assess how climate change may impact your plants or business strategy on the horizon.
David M. Loring
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a revised policy to clarify what constitutes “ambient air” under the Clean Air Act, which will directly affect what areas stationary sources of air emissions must model to determine the effect of their facilities on air quality.
Andrew N. Sawula, David M. Loring
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) completed its reconsideration of a January 2009 final action on “project aggregation.”