Arent Fox Launches Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force

Arent Fox has created a multi-disciplinary legal team to counsel clients on legal issues stemming from the evolving spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States.

The group is composed of leading lawyers from a number of the firm’s signature practice areas, including Corporate & Securities, Fashion & Retail, Government Relations, Health Care, Hospitality, Insurance & Reinsurance, Labor & Employment, Logistics & Transportation, Senior Living, and Sports. Our working group is sharing information and establishing best practices for clients, businesses, and governments who are responding to coronavirus issues. Links are available here to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ guidance to Home Health and Hospice Agencies and Hospitals and Nursing Facilities.

The team’s focus includes addressing questions that involve labor and employment, workplace safety, business interruption, contract disputes, insurance liabilities, and logistics and trade surrounding the disease. In particular, our team is available to help clients:

  • Develop legal and operational plans and protocols
  • Draft documents and agreements
  • Address supply chain problems
  • Check existing insurance policies and options
  • Engage in planning for scenarios that could arise with the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Work with local, state, and federal regulators

Members of our team can help in the following areas:

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Your goals define our mission. Whether an immediate need or a long-term objective, ArentFox Schiff helps you reach your full potential. As industry insiders, we partner with you to develop practical business strategies and sophisticated legal solutions to achieve today’s targets and anticipate tomorrow’s problems. We get you across the finish line.
