Three International Arbitration Trends To Watch In 2018

New York Partner Hunter Carter was quoted in an article published by Law360 regarding international arbitration trends to watch in 2018. Mr. Carter specifically spoke with Law360 about an increased focus on diversity in the field of international arbitration.

In May 2016, the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge was established. The Pledge works to improve the profile and representation of women in arbitration. In response to the Pledge and diversity initiatives in arbitration, Mr. Carter said, “I’m thrilled to see, more and more these days, serious attention being paid to including young people and particularly to honoring the pledge…You see a lot of talk about inclusion, and going beyond that, you see it actually happening. You see more lead counsel who are women, who are extraordinary…I do feel like we may be moving away from the time when it was an old white European boys’ club. We have a ways to go, but it’s clearly a theme.”

To read the full article, click here.


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