Showalter Quoted on Biden Administration Energy Plan

Utility Dive

Partner J. Michael Showalter was quoted on the ways President-Elect Joe Biden’s administration can enact energy policy change without help from the U.S. Congress.

Mike mentioned that one change is for government agencies to “begin to enforce again.”

“Over the last four years, we saw a lot more enforcement out of NGOs and a lot less out of the federal government,” he said.

He added that Biden would have the power to showcase businesses and technologies at the White House and direct certain aspects of government spending that Congress is unlikely to interfere with.

“Looking back five years from now, I don’t think we’re going to be able to know how much of the transition happened by itself,” Mike said. “I think Biden’s going to be a cheerleader for renewable energy. But in the same way that if you’re riding a bicycle and you’re already going fast, but when you peddle a little bit you go faster — I think that could happen. He didn’t cause it, but he certainly could help it.”

Read the full article here.