New York Daily News Quotes Craig Engle on Arent Fox’s FEC DOMA Vote

Arent Fox Political Law partner Craig Engle was quoted by the New York Daily News on the Federal Election Commission’s (FEC) approval of new rules implementing the Supreme Court’s recent DOMA decision.

According to the article, the FEC’s legal staff urged the agency to consider political contributions from same-sex married couples on equal terms with opposite-sex married couples. “I applaud the [C]ommission for doing the right thing and acting so quickly and clearly,” Craig said, adding that the Commission may be one of the first federal agencies “ to clearly adopt the Supreme Court’s decision in DOMA.”

The FEC’s decision is a result of an advisory opinion request for equal donation rights made by Craig’s client, Dan Winslow, a Massachusetts state representative who ran for the US Senate.

To read the New York Daily News article, click here.


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