James Westerlind and Eric Biderman Comment on Protection Against Cyberattacks

New York counsel Eric Biderman and James Westerlind were recently asked by the American Express Open Forum to provide their insights into the growing sophistication of cyberattacks.

In particular, they discussed the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, and how companies can try to protect themselves from these attacks. James and Eric were each quoted in an article published by American Express Open Forum on October 28, 2016.

James, focusing on the protection that cyber insurance should play in a company’s strategy, is quoted as saying: “A good cyber policy would provide first-party coverage to fix the company’s system [if it was damaged], as well as cover the losses of profit caused by the company’s system becoming inoperable as a result of a DDoS attack.”

Eric, addressing another likely harm resulting from a cyber attack that also should be covered by a good cyber insurance policy, said, “In addition to the cost and effort associated with identifying the cyberattack and managing the effects of it, the potential damage to the business’s reputation among customers and potential customers [is just as disruptive]. [They] may no longer feel confident that their personal information is safe with the business.”

To read the full article, click here.


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