Hunter Carter Profiled in the New York Law Journal

Arent Fox litigation partner Hunter Carter was profiled in a Q&A discussion with the New York Law Journal.

Among the topics covered, the profile focused on Hunter’s professional career, his ties to Latin America and Colombia, and his continued involvement in human rights causes. 

“I am married to a Colombian, and we spent a fair amount of time there. Over the last decade, there has been an amazing improvement in Colombia, and it has spurred a lot of business and investment. Since litigators analyze, advocate, and then adapt to new cases, I knew I could figure out a way to participate in the opportunities presented by Colombia’s comeback,” says Hunter as he discusses how he became involved in Latin American matters. “To learn, I started reading and networking intensively and that led to my starting a blog, The Colombian Law & Business Post (, and joined the New York City Bar’s Committee on InterAmerican Affairs. Most of my practice is still domestic litigation and arbitration, but that’s changing”.     

To read the full profile of Hunter, please click here.


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