Hunter Carter Continues Pro Bono Work in Favor of Marriage Equality in Panama

As part of Arent Fox's continuing pro bono work in favor of marriage equality at home and abroad, Hunter Carter was in Panama recently to file an amicus brief on behalf of the New York City Bar before the Panama Supreme Court which is considering a case to invalidate the prohibition on marriage for same-sex couples.

Working closely with the New York City Bar’s Vance Center for International Justice, Hunter recruited the law firm of Morgan & Morgan, Panama’s most powerful firm, to lead the case for the same-sex couples seeking to register their marriage in England. Hunter is helping coordinate strategy and share expert amicus briefs and other support, gave numerous interviews on radio, television, and newspaper, with the newspaper interview in the largest daily newspaper being featured above the fold on the front page.

Through the Vance Center, Hunter leads a regional effort called “Alliance for Marriage in the Americas” or “AMAmericas” to coordinate pro bono lawyers in each of the countries considering marriage equality and to prepare for a case to be brought eventually before the Inter-American Court on Human Rights, a court before which Hunter tried a case in 2015 involving torture in Chile.


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