California Housing Industry Watching Gov.'s $750M Incentive Plan

Arent Fox Land Use Partner Tim Tosta was quoted in the Law360 article, “Calif. Housing Industry Watching Gov.'s $750M Incentive Plan,” on the impact of Governor Gavin Newsom’s strategy to address California’s housing crisis.

Many attorneys applauded the newly elected governor for trying to address the housing problem, including Tim. “Business as usual is really having a huge negative impact on the well-being of the state,” he said, “and he’s prepared to tell the local jurisdictions that this is no longer defensible.”

A key issue exacerbating the crisis is density, according to Tim. He emphasizes that there is a large group of people who believe the status quo must remain while not understanding that the state’s highways are clogged by everyone who got driven out of the city commuting into it for work, “Suburbanites wanted to stay suburban and urbanites didn’t want the city getting out of hand.”

Click here to read the full article.

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