Arent Fox Partner Hunter T. Carter Chile Advises on Current State of Corruption in Chile

On May 18, partner Hunter T. Carter participated in the conference "Corrupción y sector privado: La experiencia chilena e internacional" or "Corruption and the private sector: The Chilean and international experience" in Santiago, Chile with the President of Chile Transparente, the Chilean regional organization of Transparency International.

At the conference, he shared his views on the various scandals that have emerged simultaneously in the country, challenging its long-held perception as a place with relatively low levels of corruption.

When asked if Chile is a corrupt country, Hunter answers in the negative: “I see a reaction to the corruption that makes me confident. Chile is a country that wants to eliminate corruption.” In response to the question, “How to combat corruption?” Hunter answers that it is important “to implement systems of compliance. To adopt policies against corruption backed by the highest levels of the companies, and to generate a culture of compliance through effective training, to know how to detect when there is something irregular and how to end it and prevent its repetition.”

To read more about Hunter’s insights in Spanish from la Segunda, click here.


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