Ali Featured in “How I Made Partner” Series

Partner Mir Ali discussed his path to partnership in’s inaugural “How I Made Partner” series. Mir said that he was fortunate to have been well informed of the expectations and responsibilities of becoming partner.

“Over the years, my colleagues and mentors were generous about educating me about what a partnership entails and how I could prepare myself,” he said.  Mir attributed his promotion to a combination of factors, including prioritizing the firm’s and clients’ needs, demonstrating leadership via committee participation and mentoring, and a strong performance in the courtroom.

He cited Partner Matt Mock as one of the most significant influences that propelled him into leadership.

“[Matt] took me under his wing and created opportunities for me to get the trial experience I needed. He had confidence in me, allowed me to learn how to run cases and gave me significant responsibility at trials,” Mir said. Mir’s advice for associates who want to make partner is to start acting like one now.

“That means not just doing the legal work but also learning about your client — what are their needs — and then discussing those opportunities and issues with the partners with whom you work. It’s important that they see that you understand that element of client management.”

Read the full article here.
