Automotive Group Leader Aaron Jacoby Speaks with Law360 Regarding Transportation Legislation And Regulation To Watch In 2021

Automotive Group Leader Aaron Jacoby recently spoke with Law360 regarding how automakers and the developers behind autonomous vehicle software, hardware and other components are all eager for uniform safety metrics and targets as part of their "Transportation Legislation And Regulation To Watch In 2021" article.

The article, which talked about infrastructure funding legislation, autonomous vehicle rules, consumer protection regulations for air travel and proposed reforms to the government’s aircraft certification process are some of the transportation industry’s top legislative and regulatory priorities to watch in 2021, quoted Aaron regarding automakers and the developers behind autonomous vehicle software, hardware and other components are all eager for uniform safety metrics and targets. 

“I just know that, on the one hand, they’re interested in protecting their intellectual property and, on the other hand, they’re interested in a standardization that would allow them all to operate safely together,” said Aaron. “It’s on standardization where the government could play the most helpful role.”

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