Webinar: USDA’s Part 340 Rule: Modernizing Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology

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AgTech Partner Karen Carr recently participated in a webinar about the US Department of Agriculture’s final rule addressing regulation of agricultural biotechnology products issued on May 15, 2020.

The rule represents the first comprehensive revision of USDA’s biotechnology regulations, known as Part 340, since the 1987 original rule, and addresses sweeping advances in breeding technology, including gene editing, made since then.

Alongside Dr. Clint Nesbitt, PhD, Senior Director of Science & Regulatory Affairs, Food and Agriculture Section, at Biotechnology Innovation Organization, and Dan Jenkins, Regulatory Strategy Lead for AgTech company Pairwise, Karen provided a basic overview of the rule, how it differs from the existing rule, what is included and what is exempted, when and how it will be implemented, and an early preview of its impact on developers in the AgTech and biotechnology space. The webinar was hosted by the American Agricultural Law Association.


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