US Export & Reexport Compliance For Canadian Operations Conference

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    Toronto, Canada

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Arent Fox Partner Kay Georgi will present at the Canadian Institute’s US Export & Reexport Compliance For Canadian Operations Conference.

The event will be hosted January 28 – 29, 2020 in Toronto, Canada. The conference will highlight updates in Canadian and US export and reexport compliance and pertinent information on supply chains and cybersecurity. Kay will present as part of a panel titled “Deemed Reexport and Third Country Nationals: Reconciling the ITAR and EAR with Canadian Human Rights Laws and Privacy Laws.” The presentation will focus on “what other companies do – contrasting DN/TCN treatment under EAR/ITAR; comparing the treatment of dual and third-country foreign nationals under the EAR and ITAR; best practices for reconciling export controls with Canadian human rights and privacy laws; critical ‘dos and don’ts’ for due diligence throughout the hiring process; how to interpret Canadian and US guidance on hiring, firing, and everything in-between; and case studies and scenarios on best practice.”
