The State of Telehealth Today: Practical Realities, Public Policy, and the Law

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Join us for a virtual discussion of telehealth’s current state of play from a boots-on-the-ground provider perspective, as well as views from Capitol Hill and CMS.

We will address several important issues, including:

  • How will Congress and CMS address the expiration of certain telehealth provisions post-Public Health Emergency?  
  • What steps are providers taking to prepare for this potentiality?  
  • What are the limits of CMS’s authority to act without Congressional approval in the telehealth realm?
  • What are some of the lessons learned from the move to complete virtual treatment of a patient population?


John D. Scott, M.D. — Medical Director, University of Washington Digital Health

Crystal Kong-Wong, M.D. — Associate Medical Director, University of Washington Digital Health

Oliver Spurgeon — Senior Government Relations Director, Arent Fox


Douglas Grimm — Health Care Practice Group Leader, Arent Fox


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