The Next Generation of Environmental Law

Chicago Bar Association
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    Chicago, IL

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Ryan Granholm and Alex Garel-Frantzen will present at The Next Generation of Environmental Law Seminar on March 16, 2023.

Ryan will present “Practicing Energy Law at the Illinois Commerce Commission: A Primer on How to Litigate Contested Cases Before the ICC and Shape the Future of Illinois Climate and Energy Policy.”   Ryan and his co-panelists will provide an introduction to practicing energy law before the ICC. That panel will include an overview of what the ICC does, how it does so (i.e. the rules governing ICC proceedings), and how the ICC is an increasingly relevant forum for environmental lawyers’ clients and for shaping climate change and other environmental policies in Illinois.

Alex will present “Intergenerational Environmental Law Advice: What New Environmental Lawyers Need to Know to Succeed in the Field and What Our More ‘Seasoned’ Members Need to Know to Stay Relevant.”  Alex and his co-panelists will provide a personal and practical platform for intergenerational knowledge transfer. The panel will discuss what senior lawyers believe junior lawyers need to succeed in environmental law and what junior lawyers think senior lawyers need to know to stay relevant, retain talent, and relate to clients and stakeholders in a changing environmental law and policy landscape.   


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