The Future of New York: Organizational Strategies for Addressing the Impacts of Recent and Future US Supreme Court Decisions

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The recent decisions from the US Supreme Court on abortion, gun control and climate change are expected to have serious and long-lasting effects throughout New York City and our country. Given the unpredictability of the Supreme Court, more uncertainty could be in our future. Businesses and organizations are grappling with the ramifications of these decisions and the best way to navigate these changes with their employees, clients and stakeholders.

ArentFox Schiff Partners Darrell Gay and Mamta Shah recently partnered with Capalino's Travis Terry and Jeanne Mullgrav for an important conversation about strategies business leaders and companies should be considering for addressing these crucial issues now and in the future.


Topics Include:

  • Social Policies in the Workplace: Can Employers Remain Neutral Any Longer?
  • How Recent Supreme Court Cases Are Shaping Workplace Policies
  • Managing the Needs of Remote Working Employees
  • Guns in the Workspace
  • Aiding and Abetting Exposure
  • The Future Post-Dobbs – What Could Be Next?

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