Shareholders, Board of Director And Chief Officers’ Responsibility Due to Supply Chain Operations – Best Corporate Practices

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Join Angela Santos as she speaks on a panel at the International Bar Association’s upcoming conference, The International Commerce and Distribution Landscape – New Tensions and Restrictions Along the Global Supply Chain.

Supply chains activity is becoming a fundamental piece on the success of companies, with greater challenges due to the global economy, post pandemic environment, current trade wars and an increase on regulatory enforcement made by the regulators. No doubt that enterprises could be responsible for violating the law or by breaching their supply chain agreements. However, the questions are:

Could members of the board of directors, chief officers or even the shareholders, have any kind of responsibility and which type could it be?

How should the duty of care, loyalty and confidentiality be understood in relation with the supply chain activities?

Can the corporate veil be lifted to impose direct responsibility to shareholders – tax matters or creditor fraud cases?

Knowing its responsibilities and implementing best corporate practices on trade and supply chain aspects, will help these members and officers reduce or even eliminate their responsibility. This analysis will be made from an academic, in-house, and external counselor point of view.


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