Science and Technology Caught Between the United States and China: The Challenges Facing Chinese American Researchers

  • Date & Time
  • Location East Palo Alto, CA
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Government Enforcement & White Collar Partner Peter Zeidenberg will speak at the Committee of 100’s one-day conference addressing the detrimental impact of growing tensions between the United States and China on scientific and technological progress in America.

The conference will bring together stakeholders from the government, legal industry, and scientific community to discuss recent increased scrutiny of and discrimination against Chinese American scientists, engineers, scholars, and students due to growing concerns about Chinese espionage. The stakeholders will explore the ways in which instances of prosecution, firings, harassment, and denial of visas against individual scientists and researchers are impacting scientific industries, universities, research institutions, and businesses and, in turn, inhibiting scientific and technological progress.

Peter will share his experiences defending Chinese American scientists and researchers against charges of espionage on behalf of China. The Committee of 100 intends for the conference attendees to generate a set of recommendations to share with congressional leaders, scientific and educational communities, law enforcement, businesses, and civic organizations and communities in order to protect America’s national security while continuing to foster a welcoming environment for the development of science, technology, and research.

The Committee of 100 is a nonprofit US leadership organization of prominent and extraordinary Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts. It is committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participation of Chinese Americans in all aspects of American life and constructive relations between the United States and Greater China.


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