Safe at Home: Business Protection Practices in Our New Normal

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Schiff Hardin LLP

With a large portion of the workforce now working from home, how do you maintain confidentiality and productivity, while still remaining “litigation ready” in this new normal? How do you ensure your company’s valuable intellectual property — trademarks, patentable ideas, and copyrights — are developed, preserved, and maintained during off-site collaboration?

Intellectual property attorneys Kevin Nelson, Tom Rammer, and Chad Watson will answer these questions as they review key considerations for those who are now required to work from home. Recommended for in-house counsel, executives, and boots-on-the-ground employees, the co-presenters will identify:

  • How to deal with confidentiality and productivity concerns in your new work environment, and set boundaries so work life and home life don’t blend together.
  • Steps to take to maintain the business’ litigation readiness and the potential consequences of poor documentation and retention.
  • Best practices for maintaining and developing IP while working remotely to ensure IP is protected and preserved.

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