Racism and the Economy: Focus on the Wealth Divide

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Join Arent Fox Senior Government Relations Advisor and former Congressman Phil English in “Racism and the Economy: Focus on the Wealth Divide,” part of a virtual event series hosted by all 12 District Banks of the Federal Reserve System.

The event will bring together a panel of practitioners, scholars, and community leaders to discuss how racialized barriers to wealth accumulation deny families and communities long-term economic mobility and financial resiliency, and how policymakers across the country, including within the Federal Reserve, can work towards meaningful action to disrupt these barriers.
Phil served seven terms in the US House of Representatives, where he was a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and its Human Resources Subcommittee. After leaving Congress, Phil served as a board member of the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), now called Prosperity Now. He was a contributing author to What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Future of Families, Communities and the Nation, published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in partnership with CFED.


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