Paycheck Protection Program Borrower Concerns: Form 3509/3510, SBA Audit, and Litigation

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Join Partners Tal Unrad and Kevin R. Pinkney and Associates Justin Goldberg and Bryce Donohue in a live webinar hosted by Arent Fox and Stout which will cover the following topics:
  • Discussion of certain borrower required attestations and certifications, including which ones the SBA may challenge
  • Review of the forgiveness process, timelines, and issues
  • Discussion of specific concerns borrowers of different “tiered” loans have raised (i.e., loans less than $150K, loans between $150K and $2mm, and loans greater than $2mm), and how to address those concerns
  • Overview of the Form 3509/3510 for borrowers, including a discussion of issues raised by the Form and how to handle those issues
  • What we know and expect about the SBA “audits” and what borrowers should do now to prepare
  • What the SBA and US government audit process looks like and what to expect if you are made the subject of an audit
  • Overview of recent PPP related litigation and enforcement actions
  • Q&A

