Nolan International Symposium on Laws and Their Applications for Sustainable Development

Join Matthew Nolan for the 12th SIPS Symposium on Sustainable Development
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    Phuket, Thailand

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Please join us in Phuket, Thailand for the 12th Annual SIPS Symposium on Sustainable Development featuring multiple scientific symposia, with the Nolan symposium focusing on how important laws can be used to promote or hinder sustainable development. ArentFox Schiff Partner Matthew Nolan is honored to have been selected alongside several past Nobel Laureates and experts in various fields.

Organized by Dr. Florian Kongoli and the nonprofit Flogen Stars Outreach program, Matt Nolan was honored two years ago by having the prestigious Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit (SIPS) name a Symposium in his honor: the “Nolan International Symposium on Laws and their Applications for Sustainable Development.”
ArentFox Schiff Partner Malcolm McNeil (Los Angeles) is co-chairing the Nolan Symposium with Dr. Florian Kongoli (USA/Canada), Dr. Yoshihisa Hayakawa (Japan), and Dr. Migen Dibra (Canada). This is an international event with participation from many countries.

Nolan Symposium Topics

Some of  the topics we hope to cover include, but are not limited to include:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI), legal and moral implications
  2. Cryptocurrency: Economic tonic or rat poison squared?
  3. Cybersecurity
  4. Dispute resolution from an international perspective
  5. Free Trade Agreement negotiations
  6. International bribery and corruption impacting cross-border flow
  7. International legal considerations affecting cross-border transactions
  8. International possibilities of cannabis science
  9. Investment disputes, anticorruption investigations and trade disputes World Trade Organization, US trade policy, and customs, economic sanctions, and export controls topics
  10. Labor Law (National and International)
  11. Medical devices and bio-science developments
  12. Monetizing and protecting technologies (intellectual property, contracts, confidentiality, copyrights, and litigation)
  13. Privacy in a GDPR age
  14. Reputational management marvels in science: Limitations in reality?
  15. Sustainability
  16. Taxation
  17. Technology transfer legal and management issues
  18. White collar crime / Business risk and corruption


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