NCSCBHEP Annual Conference: New Crossroads in Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations in Higher Education and the Professions

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  • Location New York City, NY
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Labor, Employment & OSHA Partner Henry Morris, Jr. will present at the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions’ (NCSCBHEP) 51st Annual Conference in New York City on March 17-19, 2024.

Henry will participate in the Annual Legal Update panel alongside other labor and employment attorneys as well as the American Association of University Professors’ Senior Legal Counsel. Henry and his co-panelists will address recent developments in labor laws impacting higher education and the professions. The panel will be moderated by Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY)’s Acting General Counsel.

NCSCBHEP, housed in and supported by Hunter College, CUNY, is a national labor-management research center dedicated to studying the use of collective bargaining as a form of workplace democracy.


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