Medicare Pricing and Rebate Essentials and Advanced CMS Pricing and Rebate Topics

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Health Care Partner Stephanie Trunk will speak at the American Conference Institute’s Proficiency Series on Rx Drug Pricing & Rebate Fundamentals on November 19.

Stephanie’s first session is entitled “Understanding How Co-Pay Coupons, Accelerators, and Maximizers Impact Medicaid and Medicare Pricing and Rebates.” Stephanie will define coupons, accelerators, and maximizers and examine their similarities and differences. She will also discuss how these mechanisms are affecting Medicare and Medicaid pricing, as well as how they are affecting patients in the public payor realm.

Stephanie will also speak on a panel entitled “Post-Election Analysis: New Legislative, Regulatory, and Enforcement Trajectories for Drug Manufacturers Under a New Administration.” She and her co-panelists will analyze what the Biden administration will mean for the pharmaceutical industry from a legislative, regulatory, and enforcement perspective.

Following the sessions, Stephanie will run a Q&A session for the audience.


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