Hill Briefing on the U.S. Financial Health Pulse

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  • Location Washington, DC
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Arent Fox’s Emerging Technologies group will cohost a briefing on Americans’ financial health with the Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI) on April 11th.

CFSI will share its key findings from its U.S. Financial Health Pulse, a groundbreaking research initiative undertaken to provide ongoing snapshots of Americans’ financial lives. The initiative uses technology and consumer data to better understand the financial health of people in America.

A panel of experts will explore the vast policy implications of the study and discuss the ways in which consumer data can be leveraged to improve Americans’ financial circumstances. CFSI will moderate the panel of representatives from Plaid, a fintech company offering data aggregation services; MetLife, one of the largest financial service providers in the country; and AARP, an important nonprofit and consumer advocacy organization.

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