Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers Launch Week

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Partner Richard Newman is participating in the Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL) Launch Week, which will highlight the unique position law plays in creating a more equitable and sustainable system for people and the planet.

Richard will speak on a pre-Launch panel titled “Hybrid Structures - Combined For-Profit, Non-Profit Ventures on Thursday, February 24th. The panel will cover nonprofit/for-profit joint ventures, nonprofit/for-profit tandem structures, and three-sided managed hybrid models. Other panelists include Bill Strathmann, CEO of Network for Good, and Noah Plewa, Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder of VILLAGE.

The Launch Week audience will be comprised of hundreds of lawyers from more than 50 countries. The ultimate goal is to create a culture in which impact lawyers actively support, share, and collaborate with each other to multiply the impact of the legal community. The Launch Week virtual program will feature sessions for lawyers on impact investing, purposeful business, climate, ESG, and business and human rights.


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