Fundraiser, Panel Discussion, and Special Preview of the New Documentary, "Soccer In The City"

  • Date & Time
  • Location Washington, DC
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DC SCORES is teaming up with Arent Fox LLP to host a fundraising event and special preview of the upcoming documentary "Soccer In The City."

At the conclusion of the film’s preview, there will be an insightful panel discussion about how organizations like DC SCORES can help encourage soccer within the inner cities of America.

Panelists include:

  • Michael Holstein, Executive Producer and Director
  • Judy Plavnick, Producer
  • Jennifer O’Sullivan, Partner at Arent Fox and former Commissioner & CEO of Women’s Professional Soccer
  • Various other professionals within the sports industry, including professors, sports agents, and broadcasters

DC SCORES is hoping to raise both funds and awareness for this new film that is set to premiere later this summer at Audi Field with worldwide broadcast to follow.

We hope you can attend and enjoy a night of appetizers, drinks, and of course soccer!