Forcing Action on Forced Labor: Lessons from the Front Lines of Compliance

  • Date & Time
  • Location Dearborn, MI
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Join Lucas Rock as he speaks on a panel at the American Apparel & Footwear Association’s upcoming Traceability & Sustainability conference.

From UFLPA to forced labor statutes in Europe and Canada, brands must not only identify but eliminate the risks of forced labor in their supply chains. While brands fully support the goal of removing the scourge of forced labor from their supply chains, succeeding in that goal can be very difficult, requiring visibility, verification, and leverage in constantly evolving supply chains. This session will outline the rapidly changing regulatory environment. The panel will then present real, anonymized, case studies detailing the challenges of compliance and practical steps brands can take to overcome obstacles and create the traceability needed to achieve compliance and stop forced labor in their supply chains. 


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