Farm Foundation® Forum: Gene Editing: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Washington, DC

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Life Sciences Partner Karen Ellis Carr will speak at the Farm Foundation® Forum, “Gene Editing: Opportunities and Challenges,” at the National Press Club on July 17, 2018.

The Forum will examine the potential opportunities and challenges offered by gene editing technologies, focusing on the potential this technology holds for human and environmental health.

Also invited to participate in the panel are Mitchell Abrahamsen of Recombinetics; Kevin Diehl of Corteva Agriscience, the Agriculture Division of DowDuPont; and Randy Spronk, a pork producer from Minnesota.

Since 1933, the Farm Foundation has served agriculture and rural communities as a catalyst for sound public policy, providing objective information to foster deeper understanding of issues shaping the future. The Farm Foundation® Forum hosts eight Forums a year, highlighting timely issues impacting agriculture, the food system, and rural communities.


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