CAMSS Annual Educational Forum 2023

  • Date & Time
  • Location Anaheim, CA
  • Event Type
  • Add to Calendar Disabled
Health Care Partners Lowell Brown and Annie Chang Lee will present at the California Association Medical Staff Services (CAMSS) 52nd Annual Educational Forum on June 1-2, 2023.

Annie and Lowell will lead a session titled “Hot Potato – When the Medical Staff and Human Resources are Handling the Same Complaint Against a Practitioner,” in which they will discuss how to navigate disruptive behavior and sexual harassment complaints against practitioners and share strategies to coordinate investigations of complaints between Human Resources and Medical Staff.

Annie will also lead a presentation titled “Ambulatory Surgery Centers – A Growing Trend in Heath Care,” in which she will highlight the increased popularity of ambulatory surgery centers in health care and how they compare to hospital-based outpatient departments. Her presentation will include an analysis of how this ongoing adoption will impact health care providers in the future.


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