Arent Fox Hosts 8th Annual Food Policy Impact Meeting

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    Arent Fox LLP

    Washington, DC
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Arent Fox hosted the Institute of Food Technologies and American Society for Nutrition’s 8th Annual Food Policy Impact meeting at the DC office on February 11-12th.

The event consisted of 22 speakers, including an in-house Partner, Senior Associate, and Senior Director of Regulatory Policy, delivering presentations and participating on panels examining the latest developments in food laws, regulations, and policy initiatives. Arent Fox’s Karen Carr, who served on the Planning Committee for the event, gave a presentation on GE Labeling. The firm was also represented by Emily Leongini, who discussed Updating Standards of Identity for Foods and Beverages, and Brian Ronholm, who sat on a Controversy Panel about Cell Cultured Meat with the Good Food Institute’s Director of Policy. Professors from Iowa State University, George Mason University, and North Carolina State University and executives from the USA, FDA, NIH, HHS Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and US Chamber of Commerce were in attendance.


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