AAM Legal Town Hall 2021

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Health Care Partner Stephanie Trunk and Senior Attorney Erin Atkins will present at the Association for Accessible Medicines’ Legal Town Hall 2021 on May 25, 2021.

Stephanie and Erin’s presentation is titled “Drug Pricing and Reimbursement Legislation and Proposals in 2021” and will cover how the national discussion on drug pricing and proposed reimbursement reform has re-emerged following a pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The session will compare the Biden Administration’s drug pricing and reimbursement proposals to those of the Trump Administration, with a particular focus on legislation related to Medicaid, Medicare Part D, and the 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution process. Stephanie and Erin will touch on state efforts aimed at addressing drug pricing and reimbursement, in addition to federal efforts.

The virtual event is designed for legal, regulatory compliance, policy, and government professionals to learn more about the latest issues affecting generics and biosimilars.


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