3rd Annual Dietary Supplement Regulatory Strategy Conference

  • Date & Time
  • Location Alexandria, VA
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Partner Karen Carr and Associate Emily Leongini will participate as speakers at the 3rd Annual Dietary Supplement Regulatory Strategy Conference in December 2018.

Karen’s two-part panel discussion, titled “Preparation for USDA National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Law,” will provide a legal perspective and discuss industry preparation in order to adhere to the upcoming January 2020 compliance dates.

Emily will discuss the FDA’s regulation of hemp and CBD in supplements and predictions for enforcement and litigation, and the future of CBD in wellness products.

The conference will house regulators and industry experts to discuss the dietary supplement industry and to share perspectives and best practices of a wide range of manufacturers, regulators, and industry thought leaders. This annual event provides best-in-class education for executives looking to foster the growth and development of the dietary supplement industry.


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