2022 AALA Annual Agricultural Law Educational Symposium

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    New Orleans, Louisiana

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Karen Carr and Malerie Ma Roddy will present at the 2022 AALA Annual Agricultural Law Educational Symposium on Friday, November 11, 2022.

Karen and her co-panelists will present “Perspective the Future of PACA: Recent Cases and Opportunities for Modernization.” They will discuss developments in the recent Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) case law and provide insights from the USDA and private practitioners representing produce industry and AgTech perspectives. They will also discuss regulatory proposals to modernize PACA to account for emerging technologies.

Malerie and her co-panelists will present “Rural - Urban Reintegration and Food Resiliency.” They will explore the legal, economic, and equity issues involved in rerouting food system networks to draw food production to the urban environment and to pull the urban population to the locus of food production. Malerie will focus on working with food business incubators. The session will provide practitioners and policy professionals with tools to facilitate food system re-integrations, with a focus on the urban edge.

Additional information here.


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