2020 Election: Health Care Policy Outcomes & Impacts to Plan Sponsors

Virtual Town Hall | October 21, 2020 | 2 PM ET
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Arent Fox Partner David Greenberg is presenting on health care policy issues at Gallagher’s ‘2020 Election: Healthcare Policy Outcomes & Impacts to Plan Sponsors’ virtual town hall.

The virtual town hall will focus on the variety of different legislative scenarios that will impact employers, employees, and the health care system.

Key Topics Include

  • Democratic and Republican health care platforms
  • House and Senate control outcomes and their potential impact on the Affordable Care Act
  • The upcoming challenge to the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court
  • Key legislative priorities impacting the delivery of healthcare services
  • COVID-19 and general regulatory guidance for group health plans expected to continue in 2021
  • Impacts of these potential changes on plan sponsors


David Greenberg, JD

Partner, Arent Fox


James Slotnick, JD

Assistant Vice President,

Government Relations, Sun Life


Lindsey Surratt, JD

Area Senior Vice President,

Compliance Counsel, Gallagher
