The Evolution of Digital Media Strategies in Major League Sports and the Legal Issues They Raise

Arent Fox Sports Practice Group Leader Rich Brand, Partner Jennifer O’Sullivan, Counsel Maidie Oliveau, and Associate Justin Goldberg co-authored the article, “The Evolution of Digital Media Strategies in Major League Sports and the Legal Issues They Raise,” published by LawInSport.

The article examines NBA Digital’s announcement that fans would be able to purchase the fourth (4th) quarter of live, out-of-market NBA regular season games for $1.99, through NBA League Pass, the league’s digital streaming package, as well as the wider evolution of digital media rights’ strategies in US Major League sports (especially in the NFL), before identifying some of the key legal issues that lawyers are dealing with.

The article reviews the following:

  • The NBA’s announcement with Turner Broadcasting;
  • The NFL’s over-the-top (OTT) market; and
  • Legal perspectives surrounding such OTT partnerships.

Read the full article here.


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