Final Call for Stakeholder Input on UN Accountability and Remedy Project

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is in the final stages of seeking input from business, government, and civil society on a new work program known as the Accountability and Remedy Project.

The Project follows on the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Guiding Principles) in 2011 and aims to address a key tenet underlying that instrument—that victims of business-related human rights abuses should have access to effective remedies.

To that end, OHCHR is soliciting information about “the legal situation with respect to corporate liability under criminal, quasi-criminal and civil law; funding of legal claims; criminal law sanctions; civil law remedies and cases involving prosecution of companies for involvement in severe human rights abuses.” OHCHR plans to use the information to clarify the legal responsibilities of companies under domestic law and to develop guidance for governments on how to implement the Guiding Principles, particularly where business is involved in severe human rights abuses.

Those interested in providing input may access OHCHR’s global online consultation here. Submissions are due by August 1, 2015.


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