
4372 total results. Page 99 of 175.

Elizabeth Runyan Geise
Personal jurisdiction has always been a thorny and fact-specific topic in civil procedure. But the increasing complexity of transactions – development and manufacture of products across many borders, complicated chains of distribution, and the sale of products or services anywhere over the internet.
Paul R. Lynd, Jeffrey B. Weston
Under California’s Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA), an employee may sue his or her employer to recover civil penalties for the alleged violation of Labor Code provisions.
This updates our prior Alert regarding the importation and distribution of respirators and other masks to be used to meet the significant US health care challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To facilitate the importation of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies responsive to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID–19) pandemic, the government continues to waive some tariffs, but balks on broad relief.
Everett J. Cygal, Daniel J. Schufreider
Like new cases of COVID-19, the number of business interruption suits appears to be increasing exponentially. In the last few weeks, dozens of plaintiffs in at least six lawsuits across four states have sought insurance coverage for business losses associated with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Anthony V. Lupo, Matthew R. Mills, Dan Jasnow
The BBB National Programs’ National Advertising Division (NAD) announced April 2, 2020, that it has launched a new fast-track challenge process called the Fast-Track SWIFT (short of Single Well-Defined Issue Fast Track) process.
Oliver Spurgeon III*, Aaron H. Jacoby
In part two of our discussion, we talked with Aaron Jacoby and Oliver Spurgeon about how the new legislation is helping practitioners, including those on the frontlines fighting the pandemic.
Tal M. Unrad, Bryce W. Donohue, Paul A. Schmid
On April 3, the Small Business Administration issued two additional rule updates affecting the Paycheck Protection Program.
Kay C. Georgi, Travis L. Mullaney
What is the DPA? How has the administration used it in response to the COVID-19 crisis? What is the impact of the Administration’s DPA-related orders and memoranda? What about enforcement? What does it all mean for exporters?
In the true spirit of Arent Fox, we are working to be Smart in Your World as many of us are doing the best we can to stay safe in our own communities (i.e., social distancing).
Thomas R. Castiello, Karoline Nunez
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) provides, among other things, immediate eviction relief for certain residential tenants, but does not address relief for commercial tenants.
Paul R. Lynd, Jeffrey B. Weston
Complying with California’s wage and hour rules can be hard in ordinary times. Now, along with the many challenges that the COVID-19 emergency poses, California employers may face new situations and issues. 
David L. Dubrow, Richard J. Krainin, Jeannette Carneiro McLaughlin, Tal M. Unrad, Justin A. Goldberg
On April 2, the Small Business Administration published an Interim Final Rule intended to amend certain existing regulations in order to assist lenders and borrowers in advance of the April 3 opening submission opportunity for the newly established Paycheck Protection Program.
Robert G. Edwards, Ph.D.
On March 31, Health & Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced the creation of a new FDA program, the Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program (“CTAP”), designed to speed up the development of life-saving treatments that have the potential to be both safe and effective.
Michael T. Kelly, Dan Jasnow
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the US Treasury Department published a final rule on April 2, 2020, modernizing labeling and advertising regulations for alcoholic beverages.
Darrell S. Gay, Michael L. Stevens
Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) employers with 499 or fewer employees are responsible for providing employees with paid sick leave and paid expanded family and medical leave under certain circumstances related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).  
James M. Westerlind, Aaron H. Jacoby
With businesses facing reduced hours or closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic, business interruption coverage is top of mind. In today’s episode, we talked to James Westerlind about the types of coverage and policy exclusions that can impact your ability to make a claim.
Lynn R. Fiorentino
We previously reported on Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive order which put in place mandatory stay-at-home restrictions except for workers in “essential businesses” as part of an effort to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Victor P. Danhi, Gus N. Paras, Daisy Sexton
Today is the first day to submit applications for a Small Business Administration loan under the new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), one of the key components of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and. Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Kay C. Georgi, Sylvia G. Costelloe
International Trade Partner Kay Georgi and Associate Sylvia Costelloe have an update on their Reference Guide containing a listing of governments that have and have not imposed export controls on the export of a variety of medical (and industrial) PPE.
Robert G. Edwards, Ph.D.
In a letter dated March 28, FDA announced it was issuing an Emergency Use Authorization for oral formulations of chloroquine phosphate and hydroxychloroquine sulfate for the treatment of COVID-19.
Russell P. McRory
As recently reported by our COVID-19 Task Force, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan issued an amended Executive Order on Monday requiring all Maryland residents to stay at home starting at 8 p.m. on March 30, 2020.
Michael L. Stevens, Henry Morris, Jr., Linda M. Jackson, Alexandra M. Romero
On Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a temporary final rule providing further clarity on how the agency will be implementing the paid emergency family and medical leave and emergency paid sick leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
The result of such denials was not just academic; as a practical matter, they have paved the way forward for the Bureau to continue its investigatory work over the constitutional objections asserted by regulated entities. 
Michael L. Stevens, Henry Morris, Jr., Linda M. Jackson, Alexandra M. Romero
The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have published more information on refundable tax credits that reimburse small and mid-size employers, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, for the cost of providing their employees paid sick and family leave related to COVID-19.